
There’s no getting around it: In today’s world, there’s a lot of fretting about what to eat and how much to eat. Sometimes, with specific lifestyles and practices in play, the questions can become even trickier. People ask us all the time: is there a “krav maga diet” that works best for the rigorous training that comes with the practice? The answer is yes and no. While there are definitely things you can consume and choices you can make to let your body work better with the training, the simple fact is that there’s no prescribed system that works for everybody when it comes to what you should eat over the course of your conditioning. That said, here are some easy rules you can stick to if you want to get the most out of your training. Keep Yourself Hydrated This is going to be the one constant that applies...
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There are many types of self-defense programs, and each has its own rituals and its own system of movements. Whether it be Karate, Taekwondo, Jiu-Jitsu, or boxing, people are drawn to these disciplines for a variety of reasons. However, in the end, the point of learning self-defense is — as the name suggestions — to defend yourself. That is what sets Krav Maga apart from the other forms of self-defense. Krav Maga is not a martial art, but rather a practical system that prioritizes self-defense over other objectives such as gracefulness or flexibility. That said, one of the key Krav Maga principles is to use any weapon at your disposal to survive an attack and to escape. This includes weapons you take away from your opponent and use against them, or even a weapon that happens to be within reach when you suddenly find yourself under attack. A Brief History...
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Mixed martial arts is a modern and popular combat sport. It takes inspiration from a number of martial arts and self-defense systems, putting them under an umbrella of rules to encourage fair and competitive spectator fights. One of the self-defense systems it borrows from is Krav Maga. There is a fair amount of technique originating from Krav Maga to be found in MMA. But what you won’t find are the eye gouges, groin kicks, or other strikes too brutal for competition setting, but necessary in a survival situation. Today we’re comparing Krav Maga Vs. MMA. We’ll take at the history of each system and weigh the pros and cons of dedicating yourself to the practice of each. If you’re here to compare fighting with Krav Maga and MMA, you found the right place. History Of Krav Maga Krav Maga was developed on the streets of Bratislava, Slovakia , by Imi...
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Defending against armed attackers and training weapons defenses are a major element of Krav Maga Worldwide self-defense training. Krav Maga Worldwide self-defense is a system that was originally developed for training military units. The need to understand weapons training and defense against armed attackers is in our roots.  A world filled with weapons. It’s no secret that we live in a world where weapons are everywhere. Literally and figuratively. In day-to-day life, it’s practically impossible to know who may or may not be carrying a weapon…and what that weapon might be.  When we say and hear the word “weapon” the first thing that comes to mind is most likely a gun. There’s really nothing more scary, dangerous, or prevalent on the news than shootings. We see gun violence in active shooter situations, robberies, gang violence, domestic violence, drug related crime, etc. Variety of weapons. Like the overall threat of weapons,...
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In Krav Maga, dealing with multiple attackers is a critical part of training. The key principles focus on aggression, speed, and simplicity, leveraging the environment and any available objects as tools. When faced with more than one attacker, there are several core strategies to keep in mind: 1. Create Distance and Keep Moving Avoid being surrounded: Constantly move to avoid being in the center of a circle where attackers can come at you from all directions. If possible, back up toward a wall or another barrier to limit the attackers’ angles of attack. Stay on the move: Don’t let them close the distance. Use rapid footwork to circle or move laterally to break their lines of attack. Movement is key to staying unpredictable. 2. Neutralize the Closest Threat Prioritize attackers: Always neutralize the most immediate threat first. In a multiple-attacker scenario, one or two may be closer or more aggressive,...
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Krav Maga is one of the most valuable self-defense systems available today. Not only does it offer a life-changing workout that accommodates every lifestyle and fitness level, but it also focuses on cultivating your self-defense skills beyond the training center by stressing the importance of situational awareness. While it’s easy to succeed in a controlled setting within a training facility, real-world attacks throw the rules of guided instruction out the window. The ability to recognize a potentially dangerous situation within your day-to-day life and subsequently develop a method to remove yourself from that scenario if needed is a primary focus of Krav Maga training. Situational awareness and genuine safety are inextricably linked, making the modern, real-life focus of Krav Maga training particularly effective. If you want to make the most of your Krav Maga training, you have to start by improving your situational awareness. In other words, you have to...
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The importance of self-defense training cannot be overemphasized. There are many reasons why self-defense is important. The world can be a dangerous place. Learning to defend yourself and the people you love from those who would do you harm is an important part of staying safe and being a more confident person. The fitness benefits that come with training in a self-defense program include a myriad of physical, mental, and emotional benefits that can help you lead a happier, healthier, and more productive life. What Is Self Defense? To understand why training for self-defense is important, it helps to understand what it entails. Self-defense is the training and techniques necessary to defend yourself when targeted by crime or violence. There will always be thieves who want to take what isn’t theirs, and predators who want to hurt or humiliate others. When you train in self-defense, you gain the tools to...
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Krav Maga is the official fighting system of the Israeli Defense Forces and of many U.S. law enforcement agencies. While the system is very efficient, the training needed to master it is long and intense. A Krav Maga belt ranking system is used in many schools in order to acknowledge students’ achievement as they make their way through training and to differentiate who is at what level or rank. However, this isn’t always the case. Some places do not use any belts to signify progress and some use patches or titles, like Practitioner or Master. Belt Ranking by Color If a belt is important to you, than you need to make sure that the school you choose implements the belt system. While the black belt is pretty much universally known as the highest rank in Krav Maga, depending on the school, many of the other belts used in a Krav...
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Adults live busier lives than ever, and sometimes you just can’t make it in for your Krav Maga training exercises and instruction. It happens. That doesn’t mean you have to let your skills languish, however. With a little space and some dedication, you can stay sharp by training in your Krav Maga fundamentals at home. Life Happens There are lots of reasons why students end up missing a session or multiple sessions. Sometimes schedules change, and there’s just no way around it. Krav Maga Worldwide locations offer a full slate of classes, but there may not be one that fits where your new schedule allows. Holidays, with their myriad of events, parties, and family trips, often lead to missed sessions. There’s also the possibility that work or life could take you away from your gym for an extended period of time, but absence doesn’t mean you can’t still put in...
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Krav Maga self-defense training will change your body and your lifestyle for the better. That’s exactly the sort of thing that people are looking for, or intending, when they make New Year’s resolutions. They want to make changes. Changes that are empowering.  Empowerment comes from taking action. Much of the stress, worry, doubt, and self-deprecation that can bring people down comes from the lack of action. It’s really the feeling of not having any sort of control. At the end of each year and the start of each new year, there is as much reflection on what we’ve done wrong and how little control we have as there is optimism about what we can change and make better.  On the surface, it might not seem like Krav Maga self-defense classes, Krav Maga self-defense training, or training to learn to fight at Krav Maga Worldwide can be a solution or a...
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Krav Maga Dallas offers the best self defense training in Plano, Dallas, Fort Worth, Frisco, Garland, Murphy, Addison, Richardson, Little Elm, Rowlett, and the Colony! Whether you’re looking to keep your family safe, learn anti bullying techniques, learn travel safety tips, have a daughter going off to college, get authentic Krav Maga training, or learn women’s self defense, KMD has what you’re looking for. We also offer a comprehensive fitness program including cardio training, yoga, pilates, nutrition counseling, accountability coaching, heavy bag classes, and weight loss training!