Self-defense methods like Krav Maga may not be everyone’s go-to workout, but there are plenty of reasons why it should be! Krav Maga’s original intent was to be a military level hand-to-hand combat program. It was then converted into a form of self-defense for civilians as a way to defend people against real world attackers. However, a welcome byproduct of dedicated Krav Maga practice is a vigorous, full-body workout. Many Krav Maga self defense techniques for men can also be productive exercises that will work seamlessly into your devoted fitness program.
Hammer-fist Strikes
Hammer strikes differ from a traditional punch as it uses the bottom of the fist to hit. It also uses different muscles in the arm, as well as an overall unique stance for the body.
Knee Attacks
Knee strikes are often associated with kickboxing in terms of self-defense based workouts. It is a fantastic cardio move because it can be performed over and over again at a rapid pace, increasing heart rate as well as working leg muscles, glutes, and abs.
Bobbing and Weaving
Although it may not involve any actual physical contact, this movement is one of the most important self-defense techniques for men, as it can virtually prevent any sort of pain or physical harm. As a fitness practice, the act of bobbing and weaving as laid out in a Krav Maga program can be incorporated in a variety of cardio drills.
Fall Break Rolls
Not only are fall break rolls a great skill to learn in terms of self defense, but they are also a great exercise technique, and not to mention, pretty fun to do! Fall breaks help to minimize injury when falling in an attack and, with an added roll, can help you escape or bounce back faster. In terms of fitness, practicing fall break rolls involves a lot of up and down movement and gives you a workout similar to a burpee.
Head Butts
Some self-defense techniques for men are so unique that there are few other common exercises that match. This may not seem like a self-defense/fitness crossover move, but it is so unique that working it into your workout can strengthen otherwise ignored areas and create power in the lower body.
Spinning Kicks
Many Krav Maga moves generally focus on one area of the body or another. But spinning kicks really involve the entire body. They also involve a great deal of balance and coordination, something that many different fitness activities and sports require
Want to learn more fitness and health centered self-defense techniques for men? Sign up for one of Krav Maga Worldwide’s programs by visiting the Students page to locate a school near you.