This was, by far, one of, if not, the biggest yellow belt tests we have ever had. Every one of you has something to be proud of now. Bolar, ShikhaDeCoursin, DougFlores, BenGanz, NatalyaGoldenberg, DavidIsrael, IsaacKish, DanielMeeks, DaleMitchell, KenjiMyrvold, GraceNguyen, MaiNguyen, QuynhOehler, WadePantoja, GabrielPELEG, ADIRomero, MarkSanderson, MattShertzer, IvyVargas, AlyssaYoung, PeytonZollinger, TylerRead More
Saturday, February 20th, 1:00pm-4:00pm Join us for a practical and effective edged weapons seminar designed for the every day person in every day situations. What if “they” don’t just want my money? What if “they” don’t just want my car? What if I am a business executive or law enforcement suddenly presented with a close quarters...Read More
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