To ensure a safe and enjoyable training environment, please read the following: Bring a pair of pants (ideally with a belt) that can support the weight of a holster and firearm. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own handguns and holsters, but you are not required to. If you are bringing your own firearm, please...Read More
How many times a month, week, or even how many times a day should you be training in Krav Maga Worldwide® self-defense in order to get the most out of your training? This is something that we encounter a lot from new and very experienced members alike. Frequency of training is an important aspect of...Read More
Due to hazardous weather conditions, our operating hours have changed. We do this out of an audience of caution for our members and staff. If you are a member looking for updates on our current class schedule, please check our Member’s Only Facebook Page for the newest information. Below are affected and potentially affected class...Read More
Saturday, February 20th, 1:00pm-4:00pm Join us for a practical and effective edged weapons seminar designed for the every day person in every day situations. What if “they” don’t just want my money? What if “they” don’t just want my car? What if I am a business executive or law enforcement suddenly presented with a close quarters...Read More