Now the holidays are over and we’ve finished off the turkey leftovers, many are starting to look for ways to jump start their New Year’s resolutions. However, did you know that approximately 80% of resolutions fail by the second week of February? This is because those “resolutioners” realize after a couple weeks that their emergency fitness program just isn’t working. If this is your usual routine, it doesn’t have to be that way.
Krav Maga For Fitness
One of the easiest ways to make your New Year’s fitness resolution work is to enroll in a regimented system, rather than hitting weights and cardio machines without a plan. Comprehensive systems, like Krav Maga, offer a structured path to a healthier you. As you practice your Krav Maga moves, you will burn fat, build lean muscle, boost your cardio system, and learn real-world based self-defense skills. Krav Maga is a fun, practical way to succeed at your New Year’s fitness resolution, and it offers program variations that fit your lifestyle.
Krav Maga Classes
Krav Maga Level 1
If you want to develop the skills you need to protect yourself at home or in public, this is where you start. Our entry-level Krav Maga classes will teach you basic punches, kicks, eye gouges, and defenses against common attacks you might face on the street. This class offers the perfect balance between physical fitness and tactical training. If you find that you need more training, progressing to Level 2 will teach you chokes, defenses, and how to fight more efficiently.

It’s CrossFit with a Krav Maga flavor. If you want to burn fat, this is where it’s at. KravFit is a high-intensity program that relies on your bodyweight and simple equipment, like medicine balls, box jumps and weighted bars to make you sweat and destroy fat. While this can enhance your self-defense abilities, actual defensive training is limited. Instead, this program gets your heart rate up and keeps it there for a slimmer, stronger you.
Core Dynamics
We have saying here at Krav Maga Dallas™, “Strong Core – Strong Body.” Whether you are implementing a new workout program to deal with stress or for exercise and weight loss, EVERYTHING is easier with a strong core. In this high intensity, 30-minute class students will perform body weight exercise, work with medicine balls, and kettlebells, all designed to not only build core strength, but increases cardiovascular capacity, explosiveness, balance, and mobility.
Starting a new workout program at Krav Maga Dallas™ will use muscles that you never knew you had! Along with finding increased confidence, physical endurance and awareness through training, it’s normal that your muscles may get a little sore. KravYoga is the perfect recovery and injury prevention class! Designed to optimize Krav performance, this isn’t your normal lay-down and stretch Yoga class. You can expect to sweat, improve balance, flexibility, core control, functional stability, and strength while quieting the mind and improving awareness.

Youth Krav Maga
Childhood obesity is a growing epidemic across the country, leading many parents to make their New Year’s fitness resolution a family affair. Our youth programs are designed to help your child reach their full potential in life. Alongside practical self-defense techniques, we also instill integrity, honesty, and the value of a healthy body. These classes are a great way to keep your children safe when you can’t be with them.
New Year, New You
Make a commitment to your health and safety this year and start a program that you will actually stick to. Choose a program that keeps you accountable and helps you develop the body and skills you need to protect yourself and those you love. There is a Krav Maga program available for you and your entire family. Contact us today to try a free class and start the new year off right.
Edited from original post on kravmaga.com